Dr. Guy Tchibozo has had a career as a Full University Professor in Educational Sciences in France. He worked at the universities of La Réunion, Limoges, and Strasbourg, teaching economics (especially education economics), education policy, and quantitative research methods, carrying out research, and supervising doctoral theses. As an academic, Professor Tchibozo also held a range of leadership positions, serving as department chair, director of master’s degree study programmes, and research team leader. He also served as an expert at the European centre for the development of vocational training – Cedefop (2007-2020). From 2008 to 2012, he chaired the Paris international conferences on education, economy, and society, and the Paris international congress of humanities and social sciences research, organised by Analytrics. Since 2004, he has been a research fellow with LISEC, the education research centre at Strasbourg University. His research interests are in education policy, vocational education and training, and quantitative analysis. His research works analyse the links between education, training, and work, with a focus on school-to-work transition, stability analysis, competence-oriented approaches in education and training, and the policies for vocational education and training in the European Union. Professor Tchibozo has authored numerous conference presentations and publications (including books, book chapters, journal articles, conference proceedings, and short notes). He is also the author of a novel. Professor Tchibozo is currently the Editor of Education Thinking.
Main publications
A tool for specifying the dynamics of school-to-work transitions, social reproduction, and social trajectories: The AGIC Calculator. Education Thinking, 4(1), 2024, 35–38.
A theory on specifying resource allocation dynamics in long-term multidimensional public policies. Tampere (Finland): Stylit, 2024.
Soixante ans de politique européenne de la formation professionnelle. Bulletin de l’Observatoire des Politiques Économiques en Europe, 46(1), 2022.
The European Union policy for vocational education and training. Tampere (Finland): Stylit, 2022.
La politique européenne de la formation professionnelle. Tampere (Finland): Stylit, 2022.
Researcher-expert collaboration and the involvement of education researchers in the making of education policy. Education Thinking, 2(1), 2022, 19–39.
Chercheurs en éducation et fabrique des politiques publiques. In E. Annoot and J. M. De Ketele (Eds.), Recherche ou expertise en enseignement supérieur : des postures et des identités à construire, Academia-Eme: Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium), 2021, 111–134.
Introduction pratique aux méthodes quantitatives en Sciences de l’éducation et de la formation. Tampere (Finland): Atramenta, 2019.
CVET in Europe: the way ahead. Cedefop, Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union, 2015.
Cultural and social diversity and the transition from education to work. Series Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Dordrecht: Springer, 2013 (Ed.).
Leveraging diversity to promote successful transition from education to work. In G. Tchibozo (Ed.), Cultural and social diversity and the transition from education to work, Series Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Dordrecht: Springer, 2013, 3–18.
Trends, issues and challenges for EU VET policies beyond 2010. In L. Deitmer, U. Hauschildt, F. Rauner & H. Zelloth (Eds.), The architecture of innovative apprenticeship, Dordrecht: Springer, 2013, 269–280 (co-authors: Pascaline Descy and Jasper Van Loo).
Developing the teaching competences of novice faculty members: a review of international literature. Policy Futures in Education, 11(3), 2013 (co-author: Sacha Kiffer).
Emergence and outlook of competence-based education in European education systems: an overview. Education, Knowledge and Economy, 4(3), 2011, 193–205.
Labour-market pressures on VET. In Cedefop, P. Descy & G. Tchibozo, Modernising vocational education and training – Fourth report on vocational education and training research in Europe: Synthesis report, Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union, 2009, 20–32.
VET and the economic performance of firms. In Cedefop, P. Descy & G. Tchibozo, Modernising vocational education and training – Fourth report on vocational education and training research in Europe: Synthesis report, Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union, 2009, 50–57.
Improving the image and attractiveness of VET. In Cedefop, P. Descy & G. Tchibozo, Modernising vocational education and training – Fourth report on vocational education and training research in Europe: Synthesis report, Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union, 2009, 76–92.
Information, advice and guidance. In Cedefop, P. Descy & G. Tchibozo, Modernising vocational education and training – Fourth report on vocational education and training research in Europe: Synthesis report, Luxembourg: Publication Office of the European Union, 2009, 124–131.
Assessing the relative efficiency of training, mentoring and practice in labour market re-entry processes. The International Journal of Learning, 13(9), 2007, 81–90.
Extracurricular activity and the transition from higher education to work: A survey of graduates in the United Kingdom. Higher Education Quarterly, 61(1), 2007, 37–56.
Le rôle de l’éducation dans la politique de l’emploi de l’Union Européenne : architecture et originalités. In M. Chaponnière et al., Formation et emploi, Volume 2, Zürich: Verlag Rüegger, 2007, 251–262.
Non-academic non-market involvement as a basis for strategy in graduates’ transition towards employment. In Niki Kiryakidou (Ed.), International reflections on education and business, Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER), 2006, 225–232.
Où va le système européen d’articulation formation–emploi ?. In Thierry Pouch (Ed.), La politique économique : mondialisation et mutations, Paris: L’Harmattan, collection Recherches économiques François Perroux, 2006, 191–209.
Vie étudiante et transition éducation-travail. L’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, 35(3), 2006, 421–444.
Implication extra-académique et transition éducation-travail : quelques observations à partir d’une enquête en France. Revue Canadienne de Développement de Carrière, 5(1), 2006, 20–27.
A glance at performance management in departments for preparation of secondary mathematics, engineering, technology and science teachers in France. The Journal of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education, 6(1–2), 2005, 38–43.
Performance management in the French system of secondary teacher training. The International Review of Education, 51(1), 2005, 3–21.
Institutional organisation, performance determinants and success strategies in secondary science teacher preparation in France. The Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 27(1), 2005, 117–128.
The dynamics of school-to-work transition processes of university graduates: an analysis of French data. The British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 32(1), 2004, 93–108.
La politique de l’emploi de l’Union Européenne. In Michel Dévoluy (Ed.), Les politiques économiques européennes : enjeux et défis, Paris: Seuil, 2004, 169–202 (co-author: Francesco De Palma).
L’analyse mathématique à la rescousse de l’insertion professionnelle. Actualité de la Formation Permanente, 191, 2004, 92–96.
Some aspects of success performing in departments preparing candidates for language teacher recruitment in the French secondary education system. The Journal for Language Teaching, 37(2), 2003, 292–299.
Déterminisme, aléa et chaos dans les processus d’insertion professionnelle : mesure et enjeux. Carriérologie, 9(1–2), 2002, 305–320. Erratum here.
Meta-functional criteria and school-to-work transition. The Journal of Education and Work, 15(3), 339–352 with Tables (15(4), 481–484), 2002.
Mesurer la sensibilité aux conditions initiales dans les processus individuels de première insertion professionnelle : proposition de procédure et application. Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 74, 2002, 33–52.
Critères métafonctionnels et stratégies d’insertion professionnelle – Réflexions à partir de théories économiques. Actualité de la Formation Permanente, 171, 2001, 17-20.
Une analyse économique de la normalisation de l’assurance qualité. In Francis Meyer (Ed.), Certifier la qualité ?, Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 1998, 81–103 (co-author: Éric Fries Guggenheim).
Économie du travail, Paris: Dunod, 1998.
Microéconomie approfondie, Paris: Armand Colin, 1997.
Microéconomie, Paris: Bréal, 1995 (co-author: Jérôme Hubler).
Les marchés de capitaux, Paris: Litec, 1992.
Quelques observations sur la réglementation des prix en économie sous–développée. In Jean-Paul Betbèze et al. (Eds.), L’impact du libéralisme sur les institutions et les politiques économiques, Nathan, 1988, 172–183 (co-author: Jean-Paul Courthéoux).
Main conference papers
Chercheurs en éducation et fabrique des politiques publiques. Symposium “Les sciences de l’éducation et l’université : enjeux politiques et épistémologiques autour de l’internationalisation et de la démocratisation des formations universitaires”, 16èmes rencontres internationales du Réseau de Recherche Éducation Formation – REF, Toulouse (France), 9-10 July 2019.
Mobility in VET and apprenticeships: views from the IVET mobility scoreboard. European Business Forum on Vocational training, European Commission, Brussels (Belgium), 8 December 2016.
The mobility scoreboard for initial vocational education and training. Opening Platform, Cedefop, Thessaloniki (Greece), 3 June 2016
Work-based CVET in Europe: extent, practices and field perspectives. Workshop on Designing, implementing and supporting effective work-based learning in continuing vocational education and training, Cedefop, Thessaloniki (Greece), 21 October 2014.
Ajustement entre offre et demande de travail : quelles pistes pour favoriser une meilleure transition des jeunes entre formation et emploi – Introduction. Séminaire Franco-Allemand Évolutions du marché du travail – Enjeux de politiques publiques et questions de recherche, ministère des Finances et des comptes publics, Paris (France), 3 July 2014.
The EU policy for work-based learning in continuing vocational education and training: state of play. Workshop on the Political and Institutional Landscape of WBL in CVET, Cedefop, Thessaloniki (Greece), 19 November 2013.
Building on diversity for the transition from education to work. 4th International Conference on Education, Economy and Society, Paris (France), 26–27 July 2012.
Évaluation des compétences, curriculum et accès à l’emploi. 22ème Colloque international de l’Admee-Europe, Universidade do Minho, Braga (Portugal), 14–16 January 2010. In Maria Palmira Alves, Eusébio André Machado, José António Fernandes (Eds.), Evaluation et Curriculum: Actes du 22ème Colloque International de L’ADMEE-EUROPE, Centro de Investigação em Educação (CIEd), Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal, pp. 396-416.
Career guidance in the Lisbon strategy: objectives and medium-term challenges for practice, policy and research. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), The European Educational Research Association (EERA), Vienna (Austria), 28–30 September 2009.
Improving the attractiveness of initial vocational education and training: some observations on the EU experience. International Conference Lifelong Learning Revisited: What Next?, University of Stirling (United Kingdom), 24-26 June 2009.
VET concepts and categories. Seminar on VET typologies, Cedefop and the Institute for Employment Research (IER) of the University of Warwick, Coventry (United Kingdom), 7 April 2009.
Les enjeux de la formation en Europe : regards sur différentes pratiques face aux mutations. Journée Régionale PRDFP, Conseil Régional d’Alsace, Strasbourg (France), 5 February 2008.
La transition éducation–travail : problématiques, enjeux et perspectives dans l’Union européenne. 2ème Colloque Luxembourgeois sur l’économie de la connaissance dans une perspective européenne, Service central de la Statistique et des études économiques, Centre de recherche public Henri Tudor et Observatoire de la compétitivité, Luxembourg, 9–10 November 2006.
Extracurricular experience and graduates’ labour market entry: a survey in France. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), The European Educational Research Association (EERA), Geneva (Switzerland), 13–16 September 2006.
Assessing the impact of training in labour market re-entry processes. The Learning Conference – 13th International Conference on Learning, Sam Sharpe Teachers’ College & Montego Bay Community College, Montego Bay (Jamaica), 22–25 June 2006.
Social life and the transition from tertiary education to work. 13th Annual International Conference on Post-compulsory Education and Training, Griffith University (Australia), Gold Coast Campus, 4–7 December 2005.
Effects and strategic potential of extracurricular activity in higher education. AARE ‘05 – Education Research, Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE), Sydney (Australia), From 27 November to 1st December 2005.
The recognition of cultural diversity in the French educational context: a literature review. 30th Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), Amsterdam (Netherlands), 22–26 October 2005.
Extracurricular experience and school-to-work transition in Canada, France, and the United Kingdom. Youth Employment in the Global Economy – International interdisciplinary conference, Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy, Hofstra University, New York (United States), 15–16 September 2005.
Democratisation in the French system of teacher recruitment: from principles to some facts. 29th Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), Agrigento (Italy), 23–27 October 2004.
Éducation et formation des offreurs de travail et économie de la connaissance la plus compétitive : les objectifs de Lisbonne peuvent-ils être atteints ?. Colloque En route vers Lisbonne, Service central de la Statistique et des études économiques, Centre de recherche public Henri Tudor et Fonds national de la recherche et du programme eLuxembourg, Luxembourg, 12–13 October 2004.
Does non-academic involvement influence school-to-work transition of graduates? Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association (BERA), Manchester (United Kingdom), 14–18 September 2004.
An analysis of success determinants and institutional strategies in the French system of secondary teacher induction. The Second Hawaii International Conference on Education, University of Hawaii, East-West Council for education, and Asia-Pacific Research Institute of Peking University, Hawaii (United States), 3–6 January 2004.
Institutional organisation, success determinants and strategies in secondary science teacher preparation in France. Building on Strengths in Science education: An international Conference, The South China Normal University and The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Guangzhou (China), 5–7 December 2003.
A glance at institutional strategies in the French system of secondary school teacher recruitment. Informing Informed Professionals, SCETT Annual International Conference 2003, The Standing Committee for the Education and Training of Teachers, Dunchurch Conference Centre, Rugby (United Kingdom), 3–4 October 2003.
Trajectories regularity and irregularity: some observations on room for manoeuvre in the field of school-to-work transition. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), The European Educational Research Association (EERA), Hamburg (Germany), 17–20 September 2003.
Les déterminants des performances de succès des préparations aux concours d’enseignement du second degré. 52ème Congrès Annuel de l’Association Française de Science Économique, Paris (France), 18–19 September 2003 (co-author: Théophile Azomahou).
Les processus d’insertion professionnelle sont-ils sensibles aux conditions initiales ? 51ème Congrès Annuel de l’Association Française de Science Économique, Paris (France), 19–20 September 2002.
9 January 2025